Secondo anniversario della morte di Steve Jobs: Apple invia una lettera ai dipendenti


Sono passati due anni dalla morte del fondatore della Apple, Steve Jobs, per questo Tim Cook ha deciso di inviare una lettera ai
Domani, 5 ottobre 2013, sarà il secondo anniversario della morte di Steve Jobs; Tim Cook, successore di Steve Jobs e attuale CEO di Apple, ha inviato una lettera ai dipendenti in memoria di Steve. Ecco il contenuto della lettera:

Tomorrow marks the second anniversary of Steve’s death. I hope everyone will reflect on what he meant to all of us and to the world. Steve was an amazing human being and left the world a better place.
I think of him often and find enormous strength in memories of his friendship, vision and leadership. He left behind a company that only he could have built and his spirit will forever be the foundation of Apple. We will continue to honor his memory by dedicating ourselves to the work he loved so much. There is no higher tribute to his memory. I know that he would be proud of all of you.

Fonte: MacRumors

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